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Why Join AGR? 



Brotherhood is the most important factor of any Fraternity, without it we wouldn't exist. Every brother has your back - we invite you to join our tight-knit brotherhood!




Be prepared to be held accountable! Our house is run entirely by our brothers, so expect to learn valuable life lessons through property maintenance, house repairs, and kitchen crew. 




AGR is extremely involved on Campus - prepare to get involved in events from Homecoming to THON to Greek Week to IM Sports. There's always something going on Campus!




You'll be thrown into a lot of unexpected experiences during your time at AGR. You'll be afforded unique opportunities a regular student would never get the chance to experience!




With sorority socials, parties, tailgates, philanthropies, university events, alumni and career networking events - you'll have a jam-packed college schedule.


A Chance to

Give Back

AGR gives back to the community through service and philanthropy events. We partner with Sororities throughout the year to benefit various charities. Be a part of something bigger than yourself! 

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Our house was renovated in 2010, and we have one of the nicest houses at Penn State. Not only will you spend your college years in a mansion, but our house cook will make sure you have plenty to eat.




Between brotherhood RV Trips, themed socials, house pranks, group experiences and  late night adventures, you'll end up creating memories that will last a lifetime. 


Professional Development

Between National conventions, leadership schools, and holding chapter leadership positions, you'll be amply prepared for the real world by the time you graduate.




Not only will you gain valuable experience from holding house positions, you'll get the chance to network with industry leaders. Who knows - you might land yourself a job!



& Tutors

You're in college to learn, so we offer study hours, tutoring, and Scholarship money to our members. We give 5 deserved brothers $1000 a year - your odds of winning are pretty good!




Membership is for life - you'll remain connected with our alumni for years to come. We have AGR's in all 50 states - no matter where you live in the future you'll have a brother nearby. 

Why AGR?


AGR is two fraternities in one.

Alpha Gamma Rho isn't like other fraternities. In AGR you'll get the opportunity to experience both a social and a professional fraternity. AGR does what you expect a social fraternity to do: socialize with other students on campus and people in the community. AGR is also like other social fraternities in that it has a strong group of members and you’ll make friends and create memories that will stay with you the rest of your life. AGR is know for being one of the tightest-knit groups of friends on campus. But AGR is more than just one of those strictly social fraternities; it is also a professional fraternity. All members of AGR have professional career interests, in general focused around the Food, Fiber, and Life Sciences, or anything related to the field of Agriculture. AGR is for young men pursuing any professional career and looking for career development, networking, and new opportunity. 


Why is being a professional fraternity so important? It means that you have a ready-made network of friends in the community once you’re out of college. With thousands of AGR members across the country and even around the globe, we are a force in the world. When you’re searching for a job, looking for advice or networking professionally, that’s a huge advantage.


AGR has produced generations of outstanding men - including CEOs of major companies like Caterpillar and PetSmart, as well as State and US Congressmen, and many, many leaders in the agricultural and business communities on the state, national and global levels.


We get you ready for the real world.

Because AGR is a professional fraternity, we are concerned with promoting your career development during your college years and after graduation. We offer:

  • Regional career seminars

  • Internships through alumni contacts

  • Job networking

  • Alumni associations with informative programming

It's a tough world out there, but thousands of AGR members worldwide are there to help you succeed.


We know the real reason you're in college.

AGR never loses sight of why you're in college in the first graduate and get a job. And to graduate, you need to do well academically. This is where belonging to a fraternity that is both social and professional helps most. Because everyone in AGR is in the same career field, it's easy to have peer study groups or find someone who has taken the same classes. And with state of the art facilities and libraries, you'll find the good studying atmosphere you need to do your best.


AGR isn't just for "farm boys."

You don't have to study agriculture to join AGR. Just as Penn State is a historically agricultural university, we too are a historically agricultural fraternity. Just like Penn State we stick to our roots, but have since branched out to all majors and industries. Agriculture has also evolved, and now involves many industries like biotechnology, food science, bio-engineering, environmental science, renewable energy research, supply chain and resource management, virology and infectious disease, livestock management, mineral/earth and crop sciences, forestry, mining and harvesting scarce resources, recycling and waste management, and many more! Everything we touch was harvested from the earth, so agriculture is surprisingly rooted at the bottom of most industries. That being said, we do love our farm boys!


AGR men are leaders.

Leadership is an important skill you'll learn or develop in Alpha Gamma Rho. Our members recognize the need to develop leadership skills and take an active part in fraternity and university activities. Fraternity officer positions give you real leadership experience; you will use these skills to get involved in campus clubs, organizations or student government.


Lean on us.

AGR members realize they are students of their university and non-university communities. AGR tries to be a good neighbor by doing community service work and completing philanthropic projects which help the community.


AGR plays hard too.

If all of this sounds like a lot of serious work, don't worry. AGR knows how to have a lot of fun, too. Intramurals are a great way to show our AGR competitiveness in a variety of both team and individual sports. From softball and water volleyball, to flag football and dart tournaments, IM Sports are lots of fun, and they provide a chance for AGR's to have a great time together. Plus, AGR usually has a full calendar of social events each semester, including responsible parties, tailgates and sorority functions. These social events let you balance the professional and social aspects of the AGR fraternity experience.



Why should I Join?


We're looking for a few good men.

Not everyone that wants in gets in, but everyone that gets in becomes a better man. When you are invited to join AGR, you know you're in good company.


You want something extra from your college experience.

There is a lot more to college than studying and going to class, and we're not just talking about the social life. We're talking about the extra-curricular stuff – clubs, student organizations, sports, music, theater, philanthropies, student government, judging teams, you name it. Whatever your interest, you can probably find a club or activity on campus that's looking for someone just like you to join in. In fact, you'll probably discover that some of your AGR brothers have already joined. AGRs are leaders on campus, and we encourage our members to get involved.


You want to be a man who's outstanding in your field.

Today's global industry is more diverse and sophisticated than our founders could have ever imagined, and AGR is well positioned to prepare you for a leadership role. We provide professional development opportunities to our members during and after college, including regional career seminars for undergraduates, internships through alumni contacts, job networking and alumni associations with "post-graduate" programming. That's the benefit of being a member of a social and professional fraternity.


There's more to school than partying.

I know, you think we've put this one here just in case your parents are reading, but it's true. It's called your "academic career," and we take it pretty seriously. First of all, we have a reputation to uphold. Expect your brothers to require study hours, to help you choose good professors and to provide tutoring so we can keep the house GPA up where it's supposed to be – at the top of the campus rankings. Secondly, we know your academic success is a prerequisite for building a successful career, and we have a reputation of producing some pretty impressive alumni.


You'd like to give a little back.

You wouldn't be here if someone hadn't invested in you. And it's likely you wouldn't be considering an organization like Alpha Gamma Rho if you have not already reinvested some of your time and talent in others. And if you're from a small town, well, then hard work and community service are in your blood. In AGR we believe that to become "better men" we must first learn to become better citizens and neighbors. Mentoring, campus leadership, community service activities, philanthropic projects. Our programs reflect our commitment.


You want to be bigger than yourself

Being a part of Alpha Gamma Rho is being part of something greater than yourself.  AGR offers opportunities that cannot be found anywhere else - to contribute to your friends, brothers, and college. Be prepared to put in work!


You want to build your resume

AGR develops it's members into the leaders of tomorrow by giving our members the opportunities to hold offices, network with others, and gain life experience. The Officers of the house have responsibilities far beyond those of a normal Penn State student, and holding a house position is something any employer would look for in hiring a new employee.


You want to network with great people

The Gamma Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho has over 1,700 alumni; and nationally, AGR alumni number close to 50,000.  These men are among the most prolific agricultural business, management, scientific, governmental, and economic leaders in the world. Our Alumni offer multiple career opportunities for undergraduate members: from college internships, to research, to post graduate jobs. Being a member of AGR puts you into a highly competitive network of some of the nations brightest minds, and biggest employers in their respective fields.


After you graduate, you need all the help you can get.

It's a competitive marketplace, even for a smart and talented guy like you. That's why you need AGR. It's a band of college brothers who will help you get plugged into all the right collegiate channels and a corps of seasoned pros (we call them alumni) who can help you network before you even graduate. AGR alumni are entrepreneurs, captains of industry and a virtual "Who's Who" of global industry. As an AGR brother you're in good company, and we have a history of helping each other succeed.

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